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Showing posts from December 20, 2020


😀RESPIRATORY ORGANS 😀 👉This cycle of change of O2 from the weather with CO2 introduced via way of means of the telephones is referred to as breathing, commonly referred to as breath .   👉 Uncommon vascularised systems referred to as gills ( branchial breath ) are used by the bulk of the amphibian arthropods and molluscs though vascularised sacks referred to as lungs (aspiratory breath) are used by the earthly systems for the buying and selling of gases. 👉 Among vertebrates, fishes use gills whilst creatures of land and water, reptiles, winged animals and heat blooded creatures breathe thru lungs. 👉 Creatures of land and water like frogs can breathe thru their soggy skin ( cutaneous breath ) moreover.  Human Respiratory System   We have more than one outer nostrils establishing out over the higher lips.  It activates a nasal chamber thru the nasal phase.  The nasal chamber opens into the pharynx , a section of that is the primary access for meals and air.  The pharynx opens thru


😎 Human Circulatory System 😎 Human circulatory framework, additionally called the blood vascular framework comprises of a strong chambered heart, an organization of shut fanning veins and blood, the liquid which is circled.  Heart, the mesodermal determined organ, is arranged in the thoracic hole, in the middle of the two lungs, marginally inclined to one side. It has the size of a held clench hand. It is ensured by a twofold walled membranous sack, pericardium, encasing the pericardial liquid.  Our heart has four chambers, two moderately little upper chambers called atria and two bigger lower chambers called ventricles.  A slight, solid divider called the interatrial septum isolates the privilege and the left atria, while a thick-walled, the between ventricular septum, isolates the left and the correct ventricles.  The chamber and the ventricle of a similar side are likewise isolated by a thick stringy tissue called the atrio-ventricular septum.  Notwithstanding, each of these septa




  DIGESTIVE GLANDS Salivary gland   Saliva is mainly produced by three pairs of salivary glands, the parotids (cheek), the sub-maxillary/submandibular (lower jaw) and the sub-linguals (below the tongue).  These glands situated just outside the buccal cavity secrete salivary juice into the buccal cavity. liver  Liver is the largest gland of the body weighing about 1.2 to 1.5 kg in an adult human.  It is situated in the abdominal cavity , just below the diaphragm and has two lobes. The hepatic lobules are the structural and functional units of liver containing hepatic cells arranged in the form of cords.  Each lobule is covered by a thin connective tissue sheath known the Glisson's. The bile secreted by the hepatic cells passes through the hepatic ducts and is stored and concentrated in a thin muscular sac known the gall bladder.  The duct of Gall bladder (cystic duct) along with the hepatic duct from the liver forms the common bile duct The bile duct and the pancreatic duct

Digestive system

  DIGESTIVE SYSTEM 👉 This process of conversion of complex food substance to simple absorbable forms is known as DIGESTION.   👉 The alimentary canal opening the mouth and posterior/ending through the anus . MOUTH 👉 The mouth area is known as buccal cavity / oral cavity. 👉 The oral cavity has number of teeth and muscular tongue. 👉 Each tooth is embedded is a socket of jaw bone. This type of attachment is known as THECODONT. 👉 Majority mammals two set of teeth, set of milk/deciduous teeth replaced by a set of permanent/adult teeth . This is known as Diphyodont 👉 Adult human has 32 permanent teeth  which are 4 types Incisors (I), Canine (C), premolars (PM) and Molars (M). 👉 Dental formula 2123/2123 👉 The hard chewing surface of the teeth , made up enamel , helps in the mastication of food.  👉 The tongue is a freely movable muscular organ attached to the floor of the oral cavity by the frenulum .  👉 The upper surface of the tongue has small projections called Papillae ,